“Online Alternative Dispute Resolution” can refer to the use of online methods of dispute resolution to resolve disputes arising either online or offline. The range of disputes covered by online ADR has been broad : from family law to internet domain name disputes : from small transaction to insurance disputes. Online and offline consumer disputes have been a major focus of online ADR sites. This article propsed that the mediator should explain the process and the mediator’s role so as to forestall misunderstanding on that score. And mediators should consider including in either usual mediation agreements additional provisions applicable to communications by email. Online ADR sites should be designed ①to provide a simple, easily understandable process, ②to provide detailed information on process, cost and speed, ③to enable users to move between online and offline processes, ④to have authentication processes for parties and documents, ⑤to have automatic translation system for language barriers. And Government should play an important role in assisting people to adapt technically and emotionally to new technology through information, training and ongoing support. The days of live online television-quality videoconferencing have not yet arrived. Until then, we must hone our skills with the written word.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 온라인 ADR의 역사 및 특성
Ⅲ. 호주에서의 온라인 ADR 현황
Ⅳ. 온라인 ADR 모델구축 방안
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론