In this year(2006), the Korean government has announced the integrated logistics promotion act, to improve the international competitiveness of Korean logistics companies and to develop the north-east asia logistics hubs. Therefore, in this study, emphasized to goes forward better and presents integrated logistics industry expansive assignment through domestic logistics companies’ problem and integrated logistics industry investigation of certification system as plan for successful fixing of integrated logistics industry for Northeast Asia logistics hub while strengthen international competitiveness of domestic professional logistics companies. So that the South Korea becomes Northeast Asia logistics hub country, to expand lacking logistics infra at good time is important, also, reform backward logistics system of consignor companies and advance actively to the Northeast Asia logistics market is very important to improve the professional logistics companies’ upbringing to lead the Northeast Asia logistics market.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 물류기업의 진화와 국내물류기업의문제점
Ⅲ. 종합물류업 인증제도의 이해
Ⅳ. 종합물류업의 발전적과제
Ⅴ. 결론