In recent, T-commerce is widely dispersed as alternative type of commerce. It is forecasted that t-commerce system is used more than e-commerce system. Therefore more and more t-commerce-related industries are also recognizing that t-commerce is a critical business model. It is needed to understand the concept of t-commerce and develop the t-commerce marketing strategy. CEO analyses consumer’s behaviors according to the data about buyers and applies the advantage of t-commerce to the communication with customers. This t-commerce system plays an important role in maximizing customer satisfaction and affecting their intention to reuse it. Therefore this paper attempts to identify T-commerce critical success factors and divide between use-intention group and unuse-intention group by taking out a discriminant function by the discriminant analysis. This lays a foundation in developing T-commerce strategy. According to the discriminant function extracted, convenience factor, amusement factor, system quality factor, product perception factor are significant in the sequence of influential degree. However, usefulness factor and speedy connection factor are not significant. In result, the target hitting rate is 77.9% in the first unuse-intention group and it is 95.2% in the second use-intention group. The total discriminant target hitting rate is computed to higher value, 86.55%. The statistic package, SPSS 12.0, is used to survey and analyse data and test the hypothesis. The validity and reliability of variables are verified by both reliability analysis and factor analysis. The discriminant analysis is used to tell the difference between use-intention group and unuse-intention group.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. T-commerce의 특징 및 선행연구
Ⅲ. T-commerce 요인과 사용의도에 대한 실증분석
Ⅳ. 결론