The successful knowledge and information based companies facilitate to restructure the industry and strengthen the national competitiveness in the future. The advent of information age provides us new challenge because the information breakthrough can play a pivotal role in terms of knowledge transfer in the human resource management. Executive officer must present long term vision in order to expand enterprise continuously and establish long term management goal and strategy which are appropriate for key organizational skills of future management environment (Pfeffer, 1998). Also, long term talent management based on vision, goal and strategy and talent development strategy and employment management must be established (小池, 1994). American HRM system’s reformation cannot be defined without scientific management policy. However, currently widely discussed Japanese HRM system’s reformation cannot be defined without organizational commitment focused Japanese employment system. (津田, 1992 ; 太田, 1994). Japan’s development of the following policies are behind comparing to Europe: ①Skill based talent management regardless of age, sex, nationality, race and academic background ②Consideration of retirement age of 64 ③Creativity and freedom promoting talent management policy. Also, there are problems to be solved. Solutions will be searched for by establishing new wage policy based on tasks and individuals in the basis of lifetime employment system.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Mobilization of the Labor Market
Ⅲ. Neo Internal Labor Market
Ⅳ. Strategic Talent Management and Talent Portfolio
Ⅴ. Conclusion