First, the trade competitiveness of the textile industries in South Korea has been weakening, whereas, the counterpart in China has been growing as the main export industries. Second, the trade competitiveness of the mechanics industries in South Korea has been increasing and appearing as the new promising strategic export industries. And, the counterpart in China also shows that it has been rising, while the country’s level of the imports specialization index has been weakening. Third, the trade competitiveness of the transportation industries in South Korea has been rising as the export-oriented and at the same time, privileged industries. And, China has also been rising as South Korea has been in the case, whereas, imports specialization index has been weakening. Fourth, the trade competitiveness of the electrical and electronic industries in South Korea has relatively been at the very high level, giving rise to the core export-privileged industries in the South Korea. And, China has been emerging as the new strategic export industries, as its industry structure has been shifted from the import- specialization and export-specialization industries. Fifth, it is indicated that the trade in the both South Korean and Chinese industries of fable materials, mechanics goods for computer & office, and goods for electric mechanics has been going favorable and brisk.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 분석자료와 분석방법
Ⅲ. 한ㆍ중간 주요산업의 무역경쟁력 분석
Ⅳ. 결론