The present paper aims to examine the Influences of on line word of mouth(WOM) information valence and information contents to the information searcher. Specially, to examine the interaction effect it’s two variables. For that purpose, we categorize WOM information valence into two subcategories; positive and negative, and WOM content into two subcategories; objective evaluation and subjective evaluation. We conducted experimentation design 2*2 and subjects are asked to their attitude and purchase intention after they are exposed each of four different types of WOM information. The result can be summarized as follow; First, the negative WOM has stronger effect on consumer’s attitude and purchase intention than positive. Second, factual WOM has stronger effect on consumer’s attitude and purchase intention than subject. Finally, when consumer face negative WOM, subjective WOM has more effect on consumer’s attitude and purchase intention than factual. On the contrary, when consumer face positive WOM, factual WOM has more effect on consumer’s attitude and purchase intention than subject. In conclusion, the korean Foreign Trade Act and other relative acts should be revised, and both educational services and health services should be contained within the definition of “the international trade” for the governmental benefits of supporting the services exportation.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 온라인 구전정보 특성과 구전효과
Ⅲ. 연구가설 및 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론