The Korean Peninsula has the gateway role of Far East Asia in economic aspect, because it is the channel to global world that Korea and Japan should take in the future. Till now, there was no real economic cooperation in service industry for two Koreas. Nevertheless, it is high time that two Koreas have to play a gateway role in order to pave the way to come true their global vision. This paper aims to examine the possibility of economic cooperation between two Koreas in service sector and explore the vision and strategy which are useful for the ways toward peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula and two Koreas’ future survival in the midst of global competition. Economic cooperation in service sector, such as transport, tourism, educational services, etc. between two Koreas means establishing and strengthening the infrastructure of their unification. If there were no cooperation of service sector on the Korean Peninsula, we also could not expect the outcome of economic cooperation and the vision of Korea’s unification. To sum up, the strategy recommended for the Korean Peninsula’s global vision is that two Koreas should simultaneously open the window of economic cooperation in service sector and link the interface between the Eurasian continent and the Korean Peninsula.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 서비스 비전의 배경 및 당위성
Ⅲ. 남북한 경협 현황과 과제
Ⅳ. 한반도 서비스산업 발전전략
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언