UCP 600 will now come into effect on 1 July 2007, giving practitioners more than six months to prepare for the change. The vote on the UCP was also a favourable vote on eUCP Version 1.1 which was amended to bring it into conformity with the new rules. ICC Banking commission unanimeusly approved the revised UCP 600 on 26 October 2006 in paris convention. The most important revision of UCP600 have altered the technical and difficult to understand wording of UCP500 into plain simple precise and concise language, The singuler achievement of UCP600 is its elimination of phrase like “reasonable care” “reasonable time” and “an it’s face” from the rule. The introduction of separate articles 2 and 3 on “Definitions” and “Interpretation” which contain the concept of “honour” along with the inclusion of certain ISBP wording in UCP, should bring about far greater clarity and precision than in many of the contentions articles in UCP500. The definition of negotiation should help lay to rest the controversies surrounding the terms of negotiation. The removal of reasonable time and the replacement by five banking days should speed the process and make L/Cs more attractive in the market, nevertheless UCP600 have many problems in appling it in practical field. For example the definition of credit, negotiation and purchase it’s accepted or undertaken payment draft by accepting bank or deferred payment bank, the second advising bark’s position etc. so, I will introduce in this thesis the important revised articles of UCP600 and investigate the problems in applying it in practicle field with reference to the specialist’s opinion of the practical field and ICC opinions of drafting Group.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 분석
Ⅲ. UCP 600의 주요개정 내용
Ⅳ. 주요쟁점 사항 및 실무적용상 문제점
Ⅴ. 결론