Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation needs to a different strategy for developing synergy effects, suggesting they should be selected for role to the unification Korea. In the this paper, Three policy-strategies is suggested as follows. Firstly, Economic Cooperation Driving Committee of Inter-Korean Digital Cultural Content is necessary the recovering of cultual consubstantiality and the operating of business partnership in the divided peninsular. Secondly, To cultural contents cooperation between South-North Korea. the exchange of learning and information must be activated constantly. as the cultural contents is creative industrial, it needs for imagination and creative of human and understanding of a fine arts, a traditional arts Thirdly, A policy and system is inevitable to construction of Inter Korean Cooperation Digital Contents. South-North Korea, including a North Korea having a excellent cultural heritage, must jointly recovery for cultural contents. Under social-economic system, a consumers of digital contents pay to the format creator many royalty. Therefore, We must prepare to roll out a series of new creative contents, and have competitive advantages in the global market.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 북한의 전통문화에 대한 이해와 정책
Ⅲ. 남북한 문화콘텐츠의 교류협력 현황
Ⅳ. 남북한 문화콘텐츠교류의 정책적 접근
Ⅴ. 결론