최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한ㆍ일간의 무역분쟁에 관한 사례연구

The investigation on international trade dispute between Korea and Japan.

  • 94

International trade conflict has been increased since WTO has appeared. Like this, the cause that the number of international trade conflict has been increased is by means of enlargement of agreements range. But some new facts have been added. They are Anti-dumping, subsidy, Countervailing duty, Safeguard, the norm of intellectual property right, the procedure of permitting importing products, Technical Barriers, agricultural products, and the area of textile. Since Japanese government has decided to give lavor import quarters to China without permission of Korea, Korean government formally presented the system of lavor import quarter to WTO DSB due to WTO agreement disobedience of Japan. Accordingly, this paper has the following purpose; to analyze situation on fiber dispute of Japan. Some methods about trade barrier against Japan need to be solved from another viewpoint owing to lavor IQ dispute.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 한ㆍ일간의 무역분쟁 현황과 일본의 무역제도

Ⅲ. 한ㆍ일간의 PSF 반덤핑관세 분쟁사례

Ⅳ. 한ㆍ일간의 김 수입쿼터 분쟁사례

Ⅴ. 결론


