최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

관세행정정보시스템에 유비쿼터스 기술수용에 관한 연구

An Empirical Study on the Ubiquitous technology into the Customs Information System

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According to the empirical study, the research model has been verified about the introduction of new ubiquitous technology into the Customs Information System. The research model is meaningful in deducing policy for accepting the new ubiquitous technology into the Customs Information System. The organization style is not yet positively accomplished, because of insufficient recognition about the new ubiquitous instrument. The other side the individual style, environmental style and working characteristics are contribute to accept the new ubiquitous environment, because of sufficient of education, usage and recognizing the usefulness of the portal information. It is established the Customs Information System with new ubiquitous technology such as RFID, DM, UCR etc.. for the usefulness and convenience.

Ⅰ. 연구목적

Ⅱ. 유비쿼터스와 관세행정

Ⅲ. 선행연구와 연구모형 설정

Ⅳ. 연구가설 설정과 검증

Ⅴ. 관세행정에 유비쿼터스 수용 논의

Ⅵ. 결론과 시사점


