최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

FTA극복을 위한 농공단지 입주기업 지원시책 개선방안 연구

Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy Improvement Research

The object of this thesis is to evaluate performance of Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy and to suggest solutions to solve problems of the policy and development plans for Industry Complex of Rural Areas in Korea. The Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy has contributed to increase of income and growth of industries in farming areas. Since business environment has been changing rapidly and competition has been getting fierce, Korean small business in rural are as need to develop new strategies to strengthen their competitiveness. Therefore, this thesis will suggest public programs to support for development of Korean small businesses in rural areas. The suggestions are as below 1) plans to form funds to provide financial aid to small business in rural areas. Specific plans to raise funds for public programs that would be executed by National Industry Complex of Rural Areas Association are included. 2) plans to improve abilities of SBCs to develop technologies 3) plans to establish marketing channels for SBCs in rural areas. 4) plans to create systems to promote restructuring in Industry Complex of Rural Area

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 농공단지 개발정책의 일반적 고찰

Ⅲ. 농공단지 지원제도 실태와 문제점

Ⅳ. 농공단지 지원제도의 개선방안

Ⅴ. 결언


