최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중전기기산업 수출시장 매력도 분석

Export Market Attractiveness Analyses of the Heavy Electric Equipment Industry

  • 7

This study develops the market attractiveness assessment model and draws the strategic target markets and their corresponding exporting strategies through identifying the market positions in the dimensions of market attractiveness scores and market positional strength to achieve the innovative export promotion of Korean heavy electric industry and the resulting improvement and reversal of comparative-disadvantage position. In chapter 2, we analyze the stages of selecting target markets, the constructs and their measure variables of market attractiveness models, and the components and strategic policy implications of directional policy matrix. And in chapter 3, we identify the comparative advantage positions of Korean heavy electric industry in the global market through analyzing its trade structure, trends, balance, ratio-balance, and specialization index by the item and the region respectively. We find that the Asia/Pacific region is the most attractive export market of the Korean heavy electric equipment industry, the following important strategic target markets are the America, MENA, CIS/East Europe Regions in the order of their attractiveness and competitive position dimensions. In the mean time, the sub-Sahara Africa and West Europe region is shown to be the long-run-viewpoint target market requiring the innovation or divest strategies owing to their low attractiveness and the low market share of Korean exports.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 시장매력도모형과 지향성정책행렬의 검토

Ⅲ. 우리나라 중전기기산업 무역 추이와 세계시장 전망

Ⅳ. 해외시장 매력도평가와 전략시장 및 전략방안 도출

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론


