E-Commerce in China is being expanded by way of policy for improving e-Commerce such as e-Government though China introduced e-Commerce later than other countries. There is going to be an e-Commerce boom in China owing to IT development and increasing use of Internet. It is estimated that China will be among the world’s largest e-Commerce market in the future. E-Commerce Cooperation between Korea and China has been undergone as a part of Korea-Japan-China e-Commerce. The outcome of e-Commerce Cooperation between Korea and China is less than that of e-Commerce Cooperation between Korea and Japan. Therefore, there must be the development of Vision and roadmap and organizational reform in Government, sufficient budget, consideration of digital divide and improvement of Korea-Japan-China e-Commerce Cooperation for e-Commerce Cooperation between Korea and China, The purpose of this paper contributes to improve the e-Commerce cooperation between Korean and China and to improve e-Commerce infrastructures in China by estimating current e-Commerce Cooperation between Korea and China and suggesting development strategies of Korea and China e-Commerce cooperation.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구분석 및 한ㆍ중 전자상거래현황
Ⅲ. 한중경제교류협력과 한ㆍ중 전자상거래협력 현황
Ⅳ. 한ㆍ중 전자상거래사업의 발전방안
Ⅴ. 결론