최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

디지털정보의 사용허락계약

A Study on the License Agreement of digital information: focusing on the UCITA

Licensing of information is the standard of the computer information business today. The huge bulk of vendors license their computer information products. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act(UCITA), therefore, does not originate licensing contracts. UCITA was developed to provide basic, recognizable default rules for the existing licensing activity that goes on and expands as commerce in computer information expands. UCITA’s rules govern licensing of contracts for computer information from formation through performance, including remedies if there is a breach of contract. Included in UCITA are rules for warranties, both implied and express, and rules pertaining to risk of loss in a computer information transaction. Most of the rules in UCITA are the traditional and familiar rules of contract from the law of sales and from the common law, but adapted to the special nature of computer information licensing contracts. Freedom of contract is a dominating underlying policy for UCITA, exactly as that principle is the foundation for the law of commercial transactions, generally, and exactly as that law has served all commercial transactions in the United States and has contributed to the economic growth and health of the United States.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 국제디지털정보거래에 있어 UCITA의 적용

Ⅲ. UCITA의 접근방법 및 구성

Ⅳ. UCITA의 주요논점

Ⅴ. 결론


