With the launching WTO, the world economy has been changing new competitive environment. Agricultural exports should be pursued actively in the market of opening era to develop the foreign agricultural product market and to improve the domestic agribusiness quality and strengthen its competitiveness. The purpose of this is paper is to understand agricultural export status of Korea to detect challenges and matter for improvement, to find new measures of export strategy for the foreign market, recent emerging export promotion with high potential growth, and to increase Korea agricultural export to new world market by using a new method. The profit and loss status is volatile since the agricultural export is in its infancy. However, we have learned lessons from previous success and failure that prior analyzing of agricultural export feasibility, phased-in expansion of agri-food export volume, connection of agri-food export and agri-food market policy. In relation to this, this paper introduces Efficient and Effective Utilization of Communal Facilities in agri-food export. Consequently, First, Export promotion scheme for agri-food is to precise analysis of import countries and to collection agri-food export procedure and agri-food market system. Second, In order to expand export agricultural products to new world market, we need to direct 3rd support program to enhancing competitiveness in expanding export of agricultural export.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 농식품 수출시장의 구조와 문제점
Ⅲ. 농식품 수출증대의 전망과 발전과제
Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론