Recently, the world government procurement market has been greatly opened thanks to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and FTA etc..In spite of that, many companies trying to export their products into overseas procurement market have been still facing many kinds of invisible barriers and practices for restricting the market access. With the survey results, this study aims to suggest strategic and political implications for the exporting companies in the procurement area for preparing the marketing strategy and introducing the export assistance regime and developing the negotiation position in the concerned FTA. This study has showed some kinds of important implications for the export promotion in the area. Firstly, the companies have to try to increase their products competitiveness, to strength efforts for bids information gathering, to use special program for the foreign companies in some countries. Secondly, the Korean Government also has to try to establish a realistic system for gathering many information about the foreign government procurement market, to assist the companies’s export marketing, to introduce the global standards for adapting international technical specifications, and to conclude the FTA agreement with the concerned developing countries in the procurement area etc.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 한국기업의 정부조달물품 수출 실태 및 장애요인
Ⅳ. 정부조달물품의 수출증대 방안
Ⅴ. 결론