최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한ㆍ인도간의 통상분쟁 현황과 사례 분석

Case analysis of trade dispute between Korea and India

  • 24

As traditional import regulations have decreased all over the world in recent decades, the usage of “unconventional” trade protection measures has grown in the developing countries. In particular, antidumping investigations have risen rapidly and have growing in India and China. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide countermeasures to our government and Korean exporting companies by studying characteristics of antidumping. India is one of the most frequent initiators of antidumping cases by protecting their industries and impeding imports from FTA. This year, economic exchanges of Korea and India will be increasing by the conclusion of CEPA. This will lead to the increase of dispute by import regulations. Under such circumstances, to decrease Indian antidumping cases Korea will respond as follows. i)If antidumping laws, system and practice of India have injustice or are different from WTO rules, our government will have to indicate injustice and actively urge Indian government to make corrections. For example, they are continuous bilateral contact about the problems, fallacy of calculation of dumping margin, and intense investigations into cause and effect relationship and losses in dumping market, ect. ⅱ)Our government should give more support to the small and medium exporting company which have difficulties in dealing with trade conflicts, counseling, arbitrating a lawyer. ⅲ)Our government which is in control of domestic trade relief system should strengthen its investigation ability about new regulations and moniter import regulations of India. Over the long time, Korean companies need to export competitive advantage items of a higher value-added business and build solidarity by technology transfer. Accordingly, that will result in the decrease of trade dispute in India.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 한국의 대외수입규제 현황과 추이

Ⅲ. 인도의 반덤핑정책 운용과 적용실태

Ⅳ. 한ㆍ인도간의 반덤핑 및 세이프가드 사례

Ⅴ. 결론(시사점)


