We have analyzed the trade effect of Korea-EU FTA on the Korean fishery sector, after reviewing the trade pattern and the tariff barriers of fishery sector between Korea-EU. For the trade effects, we have categorized into three cases: 1) the complete tariff elimination of all items, 2) the half tariff reduction on top ten valued items, with complete tariff elimination of other items, and 3) the complete tariff elimination, except unbinding top three valued items. The effect of the complete tariff elimination of all items implies the effect of the full achievement of FTA. For other two cases, these effects imply the effects of the transitional phenomenon of FTA since the complete tariff elimination happens gradually over more than ten years. For the complete elimination of tariff, we found that imports are increased by 1.1 billion dollars which is 12.9% increase in average imports during years 2006-2009. Also, exports are increased by 1.3 billion dollars which is 14.5% increase in average exports during same years
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한국-EU 간의 수산물 무역수지와 품목 구조
Ⅲ. 수산부문 관세장벽
Ⅳ. 한-EU FTA의 수산물무역의 효과 추정
Ⅴ. 결론