The objective of this paper is to review the mechanics of how global e-trade practices can affect a firm’s performance. It is well known that the introduction of global e-trade systems can save transaction costs at the macro level. However this study is extended at micro level by determining whether global trade transaction costs influence positively or negatively in exporting firms performances at firm level. A theoretical framework is suggested for determining the usage and performance of global e-trade with the global e-trade barriers. An empirical analysis of South Korean exporting firms has been undertaken. This paper concludes that the global e-trade has yet to overcome the barriers resulting from the transaction costs and asset specificity. In this regard, appropriate action like intensive education and training program should be implemented in order to make South Korea’s global e-trade more matured
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구모형
Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과
Ⅴ. 결론