최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Effects of Trade B2B e-Marketplace Use on Export Performance

  • 7

Trade B2B e-Marketplace is an export-oriented market intermediary in electronic international commerce. This study aims at gaining a better understanding of trade B2B e-Marketplace in export marketing. Specifically, this study examines relationships between Trade B2B e-Marketplace and export performance. This study focuses on transaction costs to investigate the effects of trade B2B e-Marketplace use on export performance. This study suggests trade B2B e-Marketplace as a hybrid exporting channel to balance risk and profit. Relying on the transaction cost analysis, this study justifies how trade B2B e-Marketplace could improve export performance, such as decreasing transaction costs (searching, bargaining, and monitoring costs) and increasing sales and market share in export marketing. The effects of trade B2B e-Marketplace use on export performance are hypothesized and empirically tested by this study.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Effects of trade B2B e-Marketplace use

Ⅲ. Research method

Ⅳ. Results and discussion

Ⅴ. Contributions and directions for future research

Ⅵ. Conclusion

