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KCI등재 학술저널

인공지능 ‘기술-윤리원칙-산업-제도’의 매트릭스와 적용

The Matrix of Technology-Principle-Industry-Institution (TPII) and its Application to Artificial Intelligence

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This article is to derive a practical framework for the application and convergence of Artificial Intelligence(AI) to real world, which has been a major topic of economy, society, culture, innovation and daily life. A turning point for AI to come in mind of citizens of the world was the historical Go match giving victory to AlphaGo over Lee Se-Dol in 2016. However, AI is a generic technology which has history reaching a century, and in 1950’s, when it had low-level function compared to nowadays, it was still called “Artificial Intelligence”. Therefore for the AI application and convergence to real world, it can be a starting point to have common understanding of AI technology for multi-dimensional stakeholders (developer, businessman, consumer, policymaker etc.) who may have different pictures and interests concerning AI. Then during the application of this technology, ethical considerations concerning risks should be shared, and the industrialization based on this technology needs institutionalization through which producer and consumer could carry on stable benefits. Concerning ‘AI technology’, even though not all stakeholders can have the same knowledge level with technology expert, the vision, current stage, its structure & mechanism, and limitations should be basically recognized among stakeholders and they are focused here. ‘AI ethic principle’ deals with biasˑnon-discrimination/fairness, privacy, safety/ liability which have been presented as major ethical issues by governments, private sectors, inter-governmental organizations, and civil societies for years. Based on the principles, ‘AI applied industry’ deals with finance, precision medicine, autonomous vehicle which are high demanded domains. For the ‘institutionalization’ which is necessary for the stable development of industrialization of AI, analyzes the issues which should be discussed for the consensus building. Finally this procedural matrix, ’Technology-Ethic Principle-Industry-Institution (TPII)’ is presented as a frame for an initiative and consistent discussion among multi-dimensional stakeholders.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 인공지능 기술(Technology)과 윤리원칙(Principle)

Ⅲ. 인공지능 산업(Industry)-제도(Institution)

Ⅳ. TPII 매트릭스와 적용 제언
