최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

EU에서 난민유입과 망명제도 변화에 관한 연구

A study on Refugee Inflows in the EU and EU Asylum System Change

DOI : 10.34267/cblj.2020.31.1.239
  • 205

Since 2015, changes in the situation in the Middle East and Africa have led to the influx of large numbers of refugees into Europe. The influx of refugees has led to a large influx of refugees into Europe since 2015 amid changes in the situation in the Middle East and Africa. Conflicts between EU countries over the acceptance of refugees and whether they are responsible for the examination of asylum have intensified due to the influx of refugees. As this situation continues, the spirit of integration in Europe is shaking. The EU is lowering its borders to ensure the free movement of humans and goods. In addition, the euro has become the single currency that is now being used, raising questions about the EU s presence in the large free trade market. For this reason, resolving refugees in the EU is no longer a matter of a particular country, but a common task for all of Europe. The EU is emphasizing humanitarian acceptance of refugees to solve the refugee problem. In addition, through the EU Refugee Guidelines, the duties and repatriation procedures of the countries responsible for the examination of refugees asylum were enacted through the enactment of the Regulations on the Evacuation Procedure and the Dublin Rules. In this paper, we will consider the basic legislation on the protection of refugees in the EU and the EU Asylum Directives and Dublin Regulation and review the contents of relevant cases of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights to ensure them effectively.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. EU공통의 난민자격과 지침

Ⅲ. 더블린 규칙의 형성 및 전개

Ⅳ. 나가며
