최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

AI(Artificial Intelligence)에 대한 법인격 부여의 타당성 검토

A Review on Feasibility for granting of Legal Personhood of AI

DOI : 10.34267/cblj.2020.31.1.179
  • 557

The granting of Legal Personhood to AI has been triggered by a European Parliament resolution and is being discussed in many countries around the world. The granting of Legal Personhood to AI is can be a big challenge to existing principle that the subject of rights recognized only persons and juristic person, and the impact of this change should be considered from various perspectives. In this paper, we looked at whether it is necessary to grant Legal Personhood to AI and how to deal with the related problems if it is given the legal status. At the current level of technology as weak AI, the legal status need not be changed significantly, but at the level of technology as strong AI or superAI it was necessary to consider whether it should be reviewed for its legal status. Based on the current law, some problems were solved by using Manufacturing Responsibility , Owner Responsibility of Animals , Owner or Occupant Responsibility of manufactured goods , even if AI was not granted for its new legal status. AI s characteristics of Autonomy and Unforeseeability are also carried out within a certain range, and it was difficult to regard it as an absolute root or factor in granting of Legal Personhood to AI. However, it is impossible to resolve all legal issues related to AI through existing laws and it is also possible to grant Legal Personhood to AI in consideration of international trends. Issues related to grant of Legal Personhood to AI were divided into ① AI s capacity of rights,② AI s capacity to commit an unlawful act, ③ AI s registration, ④ AI s personal rights and ⑤ AI s extinction . AI s capacity of rights need to be defined in accordance with the purpose of use and the provisions of the law, and that it can also be given the capacity to act within the scope of its capacity of rights. AI can also act on its own without intervention or assistance from persons, unlike juristic person, so it can recognize its capacity to commit an unlawful act unless there are special circumstances. However, more discussion is needed on whether AI should bear all the damages it inflicts on others, or whether owners or manufacturers should distribute responsibility appropriately. In addition, there is a need to establish an insurance or fund system to ensure the fulfillment of AI s liability for damages, and the calculation of insurance premiums need to be applied differently depending on the degree of AI s risk. Registration and Extinction of AI are difficult to deal with like juristic person and require much consideration in terms of method and effectiveness. In addition, it is difficult to recognize AI s personal rights Due to the remarkable pace of technological development, co- existence between people and AI has become a topic of conversation, and even legalization of AI is being discussed. Although it is recognized that there is a need to grant the Legal Personhood to AI, it is examined a relation between existing legal system and the social impact and effects due to its change, and I think we need to continue to study related issues.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. AI의 발전과 법적 지위에 대한 변화의 필요성

Ⅲ. AI의 법인격 부여와 관련된 법적 쟁점

Ⅳ. 결론
