The purpose of this study was to analyze market competitiveness of Korean and Chinese computer parts industry in the between two countries market by using Index of Export Bias and Market Comparative Advantage Index. For attaining the purpose of study, we classified the computer parts which exported to the two countries market and the imported products as the memory devices and input/output・peripheral devices. Analyzing period was 2001-2006. The analysis of Korean results of Index of Export Bias indicated that memory devices represented low overall numerical value and the Chinese results of Index of Export Bias indicated that memory devices represented high gradual numerical value. On the other hand, Korean input/output・peripheral devices have been increasing steadily for analysis period and China input/output・peripheral devices have been decreasing steadily for analysis period Additional results indicated that the Korean and China computer parts which gained market competitiveness between two countries market were as follows. Korean memory devices have been losing competitiveness in the China market steadily and Chinese memory devices have been acquire competitiveness in the Korean market gradually. In input/output・peripheral devices case, Korean products represented powerful competitiveness in the China market and Chinese products have been gaining competitiveness in the Korea market.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 한·중 컴퓨터 부품 교역 현황
Ⅲ. 컴퓨터 부품산업의 경쟁력 비교분석
Ⅴ. 결 론