Like in other trade negotiations covering comprehensive sectors, it is reported that KOREA-US FTA tried so-called package deal at the last minutes, when telecom services sector was positioned at the forefront and expected to partly play a role in buffering US market-opening pressure on other sectors. Before everything else, Korean negotiators had to enhance the value of foreign ownership deregulation in telecom services sector as a leverage in the course of KOREA-US FTA negotiations. In addition, since foreign ownership change, if any, is highly sensitive issue either politically or policy-wise, it seems very difficult to find a breakthrough. Focusing on foreign ownership regulation in telecom services sector, this paper seeks how Korea has developed its strategic reasoning for negotiations and evaluates the outcomes of KOREA-US FTA negotiations.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 다자협상을 통한 규제완화 및 자발적 자유화
Ⅲ. 국내적 요인에 따른 규제완화
Ⅳ. 한미 FTA 이전 통신서비스분야 한미 양국 외자규제의 특징
Ⅴ. 결론 : 한미 FTA 협상결과에 대한 평가