The knowledge based economy requires more and more people to learn new knowledge and skills in a timely and effective manner. These needs and new technology such as computer and Internet are fueling a transition in e-learning. According to specialist s opinion, imagination experience studying is generalized, and learning environment that language barrier by studying, multi-language studying Machine that experience past things that disappear through simulation, and travel area, and experience future changed state disappears is forecasting to come. This is previewing finally that it may become future education that education and IT, element of entertainment is combined. Already, became story that argument for party satellite of e-Learning existence passes one season already. e-Learning is utilized already in all educations that we touch by effectiveness by corporation s competitive power improvement and implement of lifelong education in educational institutions through present e-Learning. It is obvious that when see from our viewpoint which is defining e-Learning by one industry and rear by application to education as well as one new growth power about these, e-Learning industry becomes very important means that can solve dilemma of growth real form. Only, special quality of digital industry that e-Learning is being same with other digital industry and repeat putting out a fire rapidly, and is repeating sudden change that these evolution is not gradual growth of accumulation and improvement of technology that is appearing consider need to. In the meantime, we need to observe about evolution of Information Technology. Because there is some scholars who e-Learning s concept foresees to evolve by u-Learning.(although, a person who see that these concept is not more in marketing terminology by some scholars opinion is). This u-Learning s concept means e-Learning that take advantage of ubiquitous technology as Ubiquitous-Learning s curtailment speech. Ubiquitous, user means Information-Communication surrounding that can connect to network freely regardless of place without feeling network or computer. There is controversy about introduction time regarding these direction, but e-Learning is judged to evolve by u-Learning necessarily. Because keep in step and age that study all contents that learner wants under environment of 3A (any time, any whrer, any device) by individual order thoroughly is foreseen to come in ubiquitous learning environment that approach more festinately.
Ⅰ. 문제의 제기
Ⅱ. 최근 e-Learning 시장의 주요 동향
Ⅲ. 시사점 및 정책적 제언
Ⅳ. 결 론