최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Advent of AI and Its Some Implications to MILITARY AFFAIRS

DOI : 10.22471/military.2020.5.1.38
  • 16

In recent years, the moral development of driverless cars has been receiving much attention. It believes that when faced with danger, robot drivers need to make the same or even better choices as humans. In other words, people hope that Artificial Intelligence(AI) drivers and human drivers have similar moral tendencies and behaviors. This article discusses the relationship between AI cars and ethics in three parts. First of all, AI originated in the 1950s, but only the development of cars is relatively slow. At this stage, AI cannot yet replace human drivers. At present, AI vehicles rely on a three-layer control system to complete automatic driving, including the upper con-trol system(cognition), central control system(perception), and lower control system(reflection). Second, in hu-man moral behavior, moral tendencies and moral capabilities are not separate components. They cannot sepa-rate from behavior, nor can they be separated from each other. It can find through L. Kohlberg s moral tendency stage that most humans have reached the third stage of moral tendency in adulthood. However, combined with G. Lind s research on moral competence, it can be found that not most people possess the high moral competence. Third, in order to replace artificial drivers with AI drivers, combine three levels of control with moral theory. They were thereby improving the moral judgment ability of AI drivers. Through analysis, the best way at this stage is to use AI as a human driver s assistance system, thereby reducing the risks encountered during car driving. There are also certain concerns about the use of AI in the military field. Whether AI can actually make humanitarian actions on the battlefield requires further investigation.

1. Introduction

2. The past and present of Artificial Intelligence

3. Moral Orientation, Moral Competence, and Moral Behavior

4. Complexity of Human Beings’ Cognition and Emotion

5. AI and Its Some Implications to Military Affairs

6. Conclusion

7. References

8. Contribution
