A Case Study on the Core Competencies of MILITARY Leadership for Junior Officers
- International Journal of Military Affairs
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 1 - 12 (12 pages)
This article will review studies on the core competencies of military leadership of Junior officers in order to provide future direction on leadership development and training at the Korea Military Academy(KMA). This will include studies related to a manager s leadership potential which is characterized by focusing on psychological factors rather than observable behavior. In particular, it will be shown that cognitive factors are important in self-confidence and in developing effective relationships with others. For this study, the Republic of Korea(ROK) Army presented detailed leadership elements and organized them into areas of principle-centered leadership, leadership potential, interpersonal skills, personal capability and behavior. Specially, empirical studies related to leadership competency of junior officers highlighted detailed leadership characteristics such as behavior and ef-fectiveness. In the context of these studies, as a result of a case study of the KMA, a representative educational institution for the training of junior officers in the ROK Army, the Army presents the necessary capabilities for junior officers as military, intellectual, physical, values & sense of ethics, and social personality competencies. It also found that cadets were evaluated in categories of values, personalities, and attitudes in order to enhance their abilities. Finally, suggestions and implications have been made for the policies in ROK Army.
1. Introduction
2. Leadership Competency Required for Junior Officers
3. Study of Competency Elements
4. Leadership Competency Elements of the Korea Military Academy(KMA)
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Contribution