A Study on Response System against Sexual Violence CRIME Via IOT-Based Smart Devices
- Regulations (구 International Journal of Police and Policing)
- International journal of police and policing vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 30 - 38 (9 pages)
Background/Objectives; Indiscriminate and brutal crimes have occurred in our recently society. Among the crimes, recidivism of sexual crimes by sex offenders even with their electronic anklets increases, hence an im-provement plan is urgently required in such a condition, which the effectiveness of the anklets, in effect, is being questioned and challenged. This study recognizes the severity of the recidivistic and retaliatory crimes and pro-poses a sexual violence response system, an upgraded variation, via IOT-based smart devices, resolving problems in the existing model and enabling responses against sexual violence. Methods/Statistical analysis; The proposal model of sexual crime response system with IOT-based smart de-vices consists of 5 parts - Data collection and comparative analysis module, crime response module-sex offender response module/crime victim response module, Integrated D/B and posterior utility D/B. This system has the phased crime response mode activated to practice sex offender response when a sign of criminal recidivism is captured and a crime sign is detected via attachment of Smart Electronic monitoring Anklets with various IOT-based sensors mounted, on ankles of the sex offenders. Simultaneously, to prevent recidivism by the sex offenders, the sexual violence victims are instructed to wear Smart Electronic Bracelet thereby, the states of the offenders are analyzed, and any recidivistic and criminal injury on the sexual violence victims is minimized via operations of the phased crime victim response module when an injury occurrence is detected. Findings; While the existing model only collected the sex offender data, the proposal model collects not only the offender data but also the sexual violence victim data through Smart Electronic monitoring Anklet and Smart Electronic Bracelet, thus more accurate prediction against crimes is enabled via the more expanded data collec-tion. The proposal model, involving Smart Electronic monitoring Anklet and Smart Electronic Bracelet, allowed a preventive sexual violence victim response mode, as well as the crime response mode coping with recidivism by sex offenders, by analyzing the data from both the offenders and the victims. In manners of crime response pat-terns, the existing model only comparatively analyze the collected offender data and gradually operate the phased crime response module against the offender, while the proposed model distinguishes itself by operating response modules of both sex offenders and sexual violence victims, having data of the both collected and ana-lyzed. Improvements/Applications; Sexual violence response system with IOT-based smart devices, the proposal model, allows more accurate crime prediction via diversified data collection through Smart Electronic monitoring Anklets and Smart Electronic Bracelets, unlike the existing model and the current Electronic Anklet system being run by the Ministry of Justice. Moreover, by operating crime response modes - one allowing rapid response against recidivism to sexual crime victims and the other preventing recidivism based on analysis, the proposal has a difference in the extent of probable crime injury from sexual violence.
1. Introduction
2. Related Research
3. Proposal of Sexual Violence Response System Using IOT-Based Smart Devices
4. Evaluation of the Proposed Model
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Contribution