The Relation among IT SECURIITY Responsibilities, Risk Reduction, and Organizational Performance of Sports Event Security Organization
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 60 - 65 (6 pages)
Purpose; This research is to recognize the importance of IT security, which increases in importance in international sports event security in the smart age due to technological development, to recognize the impact of IT security responsibilities of related agencies on risk reduction and organizational performance, and to inform the importance of expertise and work in sports event security field. To this end, this study conducted a survey using a self-evaluation method for 250 bodyguards who were working in sport event security companies, briefed on the purpose of the survey, and agreed to participate the survey. Among the collected data, 241 questionnaires were taken as valid samples, except for those whose responses to the survey were unfaithful or some parts of the responses were omitted. For data collected, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS 25.0 for Windows. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using AMOS 18.0, and path analysis was conducted using a structural equation model to analyze IT security responsibilities, risk reduction, and organizational performance. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, IT security responsibilities affect risk reduction. Second, IT security responsibilities affect organizational performance. Third, risk reduction affects organizational performance. Combining the results of this study and prior studies, the successful hosting of sports events not only has a great impact on the image of the host country as well as social, cultural, economic, political, and diplomatic aspects but also on the existence of many enterprises and other related agencies or organizations. The importance of security for sports events is increasing due to the participation of celebrities and world-class sports stars, and the importance of security related to IT technology is increasing in the security field due to the development of the Internet, IT technology, and the popularization of smart devices. Therefore, in order for bodyguards and related organizations to be recognized as professionals and contribute to the successful hosting of sports events, it is necessary to make continuous efforts to develop a sense of responsibility and ethics for IT security as well as professional knowledge of IT technology.
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Contribution