A Study on the Improvement of TERRORISM Response in Subway Crisis and Public Transportation
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 48 - 59 (12 pages)
Recently the characteristics of those who committed serious terrorist crimes are not directly related to the direct command system of a specific terrorist organization(ex. IS) but are influenced by the political propaganda of terrorist organizations online, Terrorist crime under the loose form of the terrorist organization. Therefore, this study suggests ways to improve countermeasures against terrorism in metropolitan subways. Although it is important for the prevention of terrorism in the subway, it is important for the police officers of the subway police and the special police officers of the railway to have a physical limit to take charge of them, and after confirming that improvement measures are necessary, And pointed out the possibility of establishing independent security departments where judicial and administrative control is not feasible to grant police rights. In addition, I pointed out how to improve the safety of subways in the metropolitan area through the recruitment of core job candi-dates and the identity survey during the subway operation. Furthermore, it was confirmed that a special council on terrorism, which can take into consideration the characteristics of subway terrorism, such as airports and ports, is required to be established in charge of terrorism prevention under the current Anti-Terrorism Act. Finally, it is once again emphasized that the strengthening of the powers of the counterparts to terrorism must inevitably limit the basic rights of the people, so the principle of proportionality must be observed in their activities.
1. Introduction
2. Considerations for Prevention of Terrorism in Public Transport Institutions
3. Measures to Prevent Terrorism in Transportation Institutions in France
4. Problems and Improvement Measures of Subway Security Measures Under the Current Law
5. Outro
6. References
7. Contribution