Continuity of Jihadist TERRORISM and EU-United States Cooperation in Counterterrorism
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 32 - 39 (8 pages)
Europe as a whole is suffering from invisible fear and terrorism obsessions. In recent years, new types of attack terrorism, such as truck terrorism, have frequently occurred, and many of them show the characteristics of homegrown terrorism and lone wolf terrorism. In the United States, the threat of jihadist terrorism is rela-tively low compared to that of Europe, but attempts to terrorism continue. The jihad terrorist groups are divided into several factions, but they have created a loose network. In the West, they are preoccupied with showing off their power through violent means and promoting their ideology without engaging in public political and social activities and campaigns. The subject of jihadist terrorism is not specified. Although it is targeting soft targets with relatively weak protection, it is willing to attack them if the propaganda effects of terrorism, such as national important facilities, transportation, and tourist attractions, are sufficient targets. The ripple effect of ISIS after al-Qaida is still valid. Although not concentrated in the home base, it is dispersed into small groups in the Middle East, Southwest Asia, Europe and North Africa, recruiting sympathizers and en-couraging and supporting extreme action. Following the large-scale terrorist attacks by terrorist organizations with thorough division of labor, expertise, and financial power, a small number of terrorist organizations are also moving closely.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Expanding and Networking Jihadist Terrorism
4. Organization and Cooperation for the Response of Jihadist Terrorism in the West
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Contribution