섬진강 하구역 염수의 침입 특성
Characteristics of Salt Intrusion in Seomj in River Estuary
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제22권 제1호
- 2014.02
- 52 - 61 (10 pages)
We conducted CTD observations during the winter and the summer in 2012 and 2013 in order to understand circulation patterns in Seomj in River Estuary. It turned out that a saline water intrusion is very sensitive to the freshwater discharge out of the Seomj in River but more to the tide. Also, it proved that the location of the estuary varies with the freshwater discharge, suggesting that a densimetric Froude numbers is changed depending upon the freshwater discharge. On the contrary, the circulation of Seomj in River Estuary looked like a weakly-mixed type or a well-mixed type, based on horizontal and vertical distributions of density. In addition, densimetric Froude numbers tended to increase toward the downstream from the upstream. In particular, the flow was judged to be supercritical near the river mouth of the Seomj in River. However, we need more systematic field survey as well as theoretical background in the near future in order to elucidate the circulation in Seomj in River Estuary.
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