최근 검색어 전체 삭제

청경호 선체와 프로펠러의 모델링과 탄소성 응력해석

Modeling and Elasto-plastic Stresses Analysis of Ship Hull and Propeller for R/V Cheong-Gyeong

  • 15

A new equivalent curved beam theory is developed for the modeling and elasto-plastic stresses analysis of the comer parts of the ship structures’ hull and propeller, of the R/V Cheong-Gyeong, in which the effects of distributed loads and asymmetricity with two or three connected parts are considered. Equivalent loads are obtained from equilibrium conditions between the distributed loads and the member forces and moments at the ship structures’ hull of the R/V Cheong-Gyeong of the curved beam. The prediction of elasto-plastic stress intensity factor (SIF) is one of the most important factors for analyzing the propagation behavior of cracks in the ship hull structural members. It is well known that welding residual stresses are inevitably introduced to the welded joints and also has harmful effects on the fatigue strength of the ship hull structure. From the modeling and elasto-plastic stress analysis of ship hull and propeller for the R/V Cheong-Gyeong, it is found that the results of the new equivalent curved beam theory well agree with those of the finite element method (FEM) using membrane elements with little computing time and sufficient accuracy.

서 론

청경호 선체와 프로펠러 모델링

결과 및 고찰

결 론

