최근 검색어 전체 삭제

가막만 중앙해역의 조류 특성

Tidal currents around the middle of Gamak Bay in South Sea, Korea

  • 24

In order to estimate the tidal currents around the middle of Gamak Bay, which is located in South Sea of Korea, a tide measurement and tidal mooring currents observations were carried out at three stations in neap and spring tide. Station G1 and G2, the lower part of the study area, have reversing tidal currents, whereas station G3, the upper part of the study area, has rotational flows. The currents between station G1, the left part of the study area, and station G2, the right part of the study area, figure the clockwise vorticity. The phase lags of the north components of semi-diurnal tidal currents show a 180° difference between the lower (St. G1, G2) and the upper part (St. G3) of the study area in spring tide. However, a 30° phase lag difference exists in neap tide. The averaged constant flows at St. G1 and St. G2 during the observational period flow conversely with each other.

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