최근 검색어 전체 삭제

자유수면 주변 선박 형상 변화에 따른 조파저항성능 향상기술에 대한 연구

Study of the Ship Wave-resistance Performance Improvement Technology according to the Change of Ship Shape around Free-surface

  • 28

The purpose of this study is to develop a technique to improve the wave-resistance performance of a ship. The wave-resistance performance is closely related to the shape of the ship near the free-surface. In this study, the shape of the ship around the free-surface was automatically changed by using the optimization algorithm to develop a ship with excellent wave-resistance performance. The SQP(Sequential Quadratic Programming) method was used as an optimization algorithm and the wave-resistance, which was used as an objective function, was obtained by using a potential-based panel method and the bell-shaped modification function was used to modify the ship shape. In order to verify the validity of the developed algorithm, numerical analysis was carried out using the container ship as a target ship, and the shape of the ship with excellent wave-resistance performance was developed. The result was compared with the target container ship. We confirmed the effect of changes in the shape of the ship and finally confirmed how much energy was saved compared to the existing ship by using the optimization program.

서 론

최적화 알고리즘

선체의 변형

수치 해석

결 론

