최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Representation of Docile Body in the Curse of Beauty by Indah Hanaco

DOI : 10.15519/dcc.2020.
  • 41

This study aims to examine the representation of the body in The Curse of Beauty by Indah Hanaco. It tells about the life journey of Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) in a metropolitan city. The term SPG is only found in Indonesia. It refers to women in charge of promoting a product. SPG is vulnerable to sexual exploitation because of the obligation to pursue sales targets while looking sexy. Therefore, several things are examined; (1) the form of disciplining, the SPG body represented by the novel The Curse of Beauty; (2) the docile body representation function in the novel; (3) the meaning of the docile body representation in the novel. This research uses qualitative data analysis from a gender perspective. The results show that the form of the docile body was shown through the story of SPG’s compliance with company rules. They have looked beautiful and sexy. The function of the docile body representation is to resist the discourse of beauty and capitalism. The meaning of the docile body in of this novel is humanity towards the SPG profession even though they fell into prostitution.

1. Introduction

2. Method

3. Finding and Discussion

4. Conclusion

