The Basis of Sadness : Focusing on the Issue of Ethnicity in Kim Hak-young’s Works
- 건국대학교 모빌리티인문학 연구원, 건국대학교 아시아·디아스포라 연구소
- International Journal of Diaspora&Cultural Criticism
- Vol.10 No.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.07
- 204 - 228 (25 pages)
Discussing Zainichi literature means that we must take into consideration the problems behind it. This may be true when discussing other literature, but Zainichi literature has a risk that the problems may be emphasized earlier due to the special circumstances of Japan and the work itself may not be visible. Therefore, when discussing Zainichi literature, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment surrounding Japan, such as political factors, and to study each work in a well-balanced perspective. The same can be said for the study of Kim hak-young’s works. In His works, the father’s ‘house’ does not appear as a space that symbolizes the ‘history of Korean-Japanese people.’ Rather ethnicity, in the works of Kim Hak-young, is more crosely related to the alienation and inevitable exclusion of human beings. This paper looks at the theme of “ethnicity” that he was obsessed to the end by looking over his entire work.
1. 序論
2. 在日という「民族性」
3. 「民族性」の目覚め
4. 「父親」からの民族
5. 「祖母」からの歴史
6. 結論