터키인 학습자를 대상으로 한 한국 문학 번역 교재 개발 연구
Development of Korean Literature Translation Textbook for Turkish Learners
- 중동유럽한국학회
- CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies
- CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies Vol.1
- 2020.05
- 139 - 160 (22 pages)
Korean literature was an unknown world to the Turkish readers until the 1990s. Because until that time, there was no Korean literary work introduced in Turkey. The first Korean work translated into Turkish was in 1993, not translated directly from Korean, but translated from French. Because there are very few professional translators who can translate Korean literature in Turkey, The Department of Korean Language and Literature at Erciyes University opened two courses in Korean translation classes at the undergraduate level in 2015. There are two courses: ‘general translation’ in the third grade and ‘literature translation’ in the fourth grade. Until now, these two courses have been done without textbooks. Now translation materials are being written so that translation classes can be done smoothly. When Korean literary textbooks are developed, firstly, customized and specialized Korean textbooks are prepared, which are tailored to educational goals and objectives, local characteristics, and level and characteristics of learners. Also Korean translation class can be done more systematically and professionally. In addition, it is expected that the publication of Korean translation materials in Turkey will facilitate the opening of classes related to Korean translation in other universities. It is expected that the establishment of Korean translation classes in Turkey and the publication of the Korean translation materials will contribute to the establishment of reliable Korean and Korean translation infrastructure in Turkey in the long term. The establishment of such a translation infrastructure is believed to lead to the expansion and promotion of communication and exchanges between the two countries. It will be an important step in further strengthening and enhancing Korean and Korean studies and education programs in Turkey. Also, the translation of Turkish literature in Korea is limited within the limited scope of professional translators. The training of literary translators in Turkey is also very important in informing the Turkish literature to Korea in the future. The purpose of this study is to examine the preparatory process for the development of literary translation materials that can be used in the translation classes for Turkish learners. We would like to discuss the objectives, necessity, contents and writing methods of literary translation materials.
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2. 한국과 터키간의 교류 약사
3. 한국과 터키간의 문학 교류
4. 에르지예스 대학 한국어문학과에서의 한국 문학 및 번역 교육 현황
5. 한국 문학 번역 교재 개발
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