최근 검색어 전체 삭제

중·동유럽에서의 한국학 동향분석과 발전방향

Analysis and Development of Korean Studies Trends in the Central and Eastern Europe - To establish the identity of the CEESOK

  • 79

The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of overseas Korean studies by the Central and Eastern European Society of Koreanology (CEESOK). We first outlined the history of Korean studies in Europe. Next, we explained the definitions and concepts of Korean Studies and further argued that discussions and consensus are needed for Korean Studies identity as an academic field of study. CEESOK is an important institute that could provide leadership to the Korean Studies in Middle East and Eastern Europe. This paper has analyzed the present status and theme of the research and presented the direction of development for the overseas Korean studies and made the following recommendations: First, we should not always depend on the support of the Korean government and pursue self-reliance or self-sufficiency. Second, we would like to do further research that can not be done in Korea: such as contrast language, comparative literature, comparative culture, etc. Third, the continues publication of periodical journals should be essential for the development and maintenance of the society. Fourth, we should coordinate an annual conference and invite academicians and researchers from the non - Eurozone. Fifth, it is better to encourage foreigners to give Korean presentations in Korean language, and Korean presenter to give in English language. Sixth, Let s become a place where Korean researchers and the Central and Eastern European researchers meet and discuss important issues relevant to the Korean Studies. The time has arrived for CEESOK TO TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE as a developmental bridge in between the “European Studies in Korea” and “Korean Studies in Central and Eastern Europe” which will positively support the Korean Renaissance.

1. 들어가기

2. ‘한국학’ 용어의 개괄과 논의점

3. CEESOK의 소개 및 운영현황

4. 학회의 연구동향 분석

5. 나오기
