The drainage gates have been controlled for desalination in normal conditions and flood defence in upstream of Mangyeong and Dongjin Rivers in Saemangeum basin, Korea. Recently, the drainage gate has been opened not to deteriorate water quality in the lake since it has been issued inside embankment. When seawater intruded into the lake, the stratification due to difference of water temperature ands alinity would, however, cause the deterioration of water quality and threat ecological environments. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate precisely the hydraulic characteristics and water quality in the lake under the conditions of gate operations. Due to some limitations of other models in the literature, 3D models will be required to apply to estuaries and lakes. In this study, SCHISM-CoSiNE model were coupled andcon ductedt o obtain reliable andreasonab le results. First, the measuredd ata was usedto compare from 2016 for the verification of this methodology andcompa rison of results showed goodagr eement. Estimation on changes of hydraulic characteristics and water quality were conducted to determine the optimal results. Under various scenarios for floodse asons, we have appliedto present the best designatedw ater elevation in terms of water quality andw ater scarcity in the lake.
1. 서 론
2. 본 론
3. 수치모형 검증
4. 수치모의 시나리오
5. 결과 및 분석
6. 결 론
감사의 글