In order to examine the possibility of wave observation of CODAR HF radar, which is mostly used in Korea for surface ocean current observation, CODAR HF radar was installed on the coast to observe real-time waves. Unlike other HF radars, CODAR HF radars are easy to install because they are integrated with transmission and reception. and It is suitable for the domestic coastal environment where the coastline was developed. The CODAR HF radar used in this study transmits and receives waves using a center frequency of 25.4 MHz and a bandwidth of 150 kHz to observe the ocean wave. From the center of the observation point, a circular area of 140 degrees excluding land is observed, and ocean wave data is observed every 10 minutes from the total observation point to the shells 1 to 31 through the spatial average in units of 1 km from 31 km. According to the specifications of the 25Mhz CODAR HF radar, it is said that it is possible to observe a wave height of 4m, but the observation shows that it can be observed up to 6m.The observed CODAR HF radar wave data was compared and validated with the wave data observed by three wave measurement equipments (WAVE rider, AWAC, KMA wave buoy). In the case of the result of comparison of significant wave height and wave period in each installed shell region 1) WAVE rider was Corr. 0.76, 0.87 and RMSE 0.57 m, 0.65 s 2) AWAC was Corr. 0.92, 0.91 and RMSE 0.46 m, 0.45 s 3) KMA wave buoy was Corr. 0.80, 0.89 RMSE 0.65 m, 0.55 s, and all three types of underwater wave observation equipment confirmed high similarity to the wave result observed in HF radar. However, since the underwater wave observation equipment was located only at the 2 and 3 shells (2 to 3 km from the HF radar), additional verification is necessary through the installation of the underwater wave observation equipment at a remote shell location. Also, it is necessary to technically solve that the wave data acquisition rate of HF radar is lower than that of the radial vector. However, HF radar s wide-area wave observation data is expected to compensate for the disadvantages of underwater wave observation data (fixed point observation, difficulty in management and installation, and high maintenance cost). The wave observation data of HF radar could contribute greatly to ocean wave research.
1. 서 론
2. 연구지역
3. 관측 장비, 방법 및 데이터
4. 결 과
5. 토 의
6. 결 론
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