사상체질별 참여동기와 운동지속과의 관계
The Relationship between the Sport Participation Motivation and Exercise Adherence by Sasang Constitution
- 한국자료분석학회
- Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (JKDAS)
- Vol.9 No.5
- : KCI등재
- 2007.10
- 2183 - 2194 (12 pages)
본 연구는 사상체질별 스포츠참여동기와 운동지속과는 어떠한 관계가 있는지 남녀 513(남:239, 여:274)명을 대상으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 사상체질에 따른 스포츠 참여동기와 운동지속의 차이를 분석하였으며 그 결과, ① 사상체질에 따른 참여동기에서 즐거움과 컨디션이 유의한 차이가 있으며, 소양인이 가장 높다. ② 사상체질에 따른 운동지속에서 운동능력과 운동습관이 유의한 차이가 있고, 운동능력은 소양인이, 운동습관은 태양인이 높다. 사상체질에 따른 참여동기와 운동지속과의 관계를 상관분석(correlation analysis)을 실시한 결과는, ① 태양인이 운동능력에서 기술발달, 즐거움, 컨디션, 사교와, 운동습관은 기술발달, 컨디션, 건강과 체력조절, 운동환경과 기술발달, 건강과 체력조절, 운동친구와 즐거움, 외적과시와 정의상관관계가 있다. ② 소양인의 운동능력, 운동습관, 운동친구와 참여동기 모든 요인과 정의상관관계가 있다. ③ 태음인의 운동능력, 운동습관, 운동친구와 기술발달, 즐거움, 컨디션, 외적과시, 사교와 정의상관관계가 있다. ④ 소음인의 운동능력과 기술발달, 즐거움, 컨디션, 외적과시, 사교와 상관이 있으며, 운동습관은 모든 참여동기와 정의상관관계가 있다. 따라서 스포츠참여동기와 운동지속을 분석하는 것은 매우 의미 있다.
This paper compares the Motivation to play sports and the Endurance while playing, depending on the Sasang constitutions. The sample group is 513 male and female adults, who participate in a wide variety of sports. The result, using the one-way ANOVA method, indicated a difference of Motivation to play sports and Endurance while playing in correlation with the Sasang constitutions. 1) There were differences of both Emotional enjoyment and Physical condition to play sports depending on the Sasang constitutions. Soyangin had the highest score. 2) There were differences of both capacity for Movement and Exercise habit to the Endurance while playing sports depending on the Sasang constitutions. Taeyangin had the highest score. Based on those result, using correlation analysis indicated the relations between Motivation to play and Endurance while playing sports depending on the Sasang constitutions. The findings of this study were as follows: 1) Taeyangin s capacity for Movement, development of Techniques, Emotional enjoyment, Physical condition, Social interaction and Exercise habit were found to be related to Development of Techniques, Physical condition, health, Physical strength, Exercise environment, Exercise companions, Emotional enjoyment and Ostentation. 2) Soyangin s capacity for Movement, exercise habit and Exercise companions were found to be related to all the facts of the Motivation to play sports. 3) Taeumin s capacity for Movement, Exercise habit and Exercise companions were found to be related to Development of Techniques, Emotional enjoyment, Physical condition, Ostentation and Social interaction. 4) Soeumin s capacity for movement was found to be related to Development of techniques, Emotional enjoyment, Physical condition, Ostentation and Social interaction. Eexercise habit was found to be related to all the facts of the Motivation to play sports.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구방법
4. 분석결과
5. 결론