The design planning of middle-aged women s wear based on design preferences and fashion lifestyle
- 한국자료분석학회
- Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (JKDAS)
- Vol.6 No.6
- : KCI등재
- 2004.12
- 1433 - 1448 (16 pages)
This research suggested the application of clothing goods planning based on the results of fashion lifestyle and the design preferences of 40 s and 50 s woman consumers. The question investigation was done during 2004. 8. 28 ~ 9.5. by 40 s~50 s woman s clothing company M and company L at Busan, and gathered the questionnaire 260 issues in total, but used actually for the analyses 202 issues except 58 issues which were inappropriate. In doing factor analysis of fashion lifestyle, there were extracted 5 major question items, named as the popularity pursuit factor, the brand intention factor, the practical economy pursuit factor, the fashion indifference factor, and the personality pursuit factor. Also It appeared with high score in the popularity pursuit factor and the brand intention factor as coming monthly expenses of clothing up. The fashion styles of 40 s were seemed to seek highly in the popularity pursuit and the practical economy pursuit than those of 50 s. But it was seemed to seek highly of 50 s in the fashion indifferences pursuit than that of 40 s in the fashion style.
I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Backgrounds
III. Research method
IV. Research contents and results
Ⅴ. Conclusion