최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

공학 융합역량에 대한 산업체와 대학생의 인식 비교분석

A Study on the Perception about Engineering Convergence Competency between Industry and Engineering Students

DOI : 10.18108/jeer.2020.23.4.3
  • 60

The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in the perception and education requirements between industry and engineering students on engineering convergence competency, and to suggest implications for fostering engineers suitable to industry demand and direction of focus improvement in the current engineering education field. To this end, 73 industrial representatives and 104 engineering students are surveyed the engineering convergence competency and educational needs. The results of this analysis are as follows: first, the difference in engineering convergence competency by background variable was significantly different in gender of engineering students. Second, it is found that there is a significant difference between the current level and the required level of engineering convergence competency from an industry perspective. In the IPA results, it shows that new knowledge generation and future-oriented vision skills are urgently needed to be improved. And it is showed that the creative thinking, knowledge utilization, communication, and cooperation capabilities skills need to be maintained continuously. Third, as a result of the analysis of the differences in recognition of the current competency levels between industry and engineering students, there is statistically significant differences in systemic thinking, communication and cooperation, understanding of other academic fields, humanities, and future-oriented perspectives. Therefore, it is necessary to specific plans and efforts to reduce this perception gap should be prepared at the university.

I. 서 론

II. 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

IV. 연구결과

V. 결론 및 논의

