최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

가습기살균제 사용 의료기관 노출 현황 연구: 23개 노출 현장 실지 조사를 중심으로

Investigation of Exposure Status to Humidifier Disinfectant in Hospitals: An On-site Investigation of 23 Hospitals

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2020.46.4.433
  • 137

Objective: This study aimed to introduce the use of humidifier disinfectant (HD) in hospitals based on an on-site investigation. Methods: A preliminary survey and on-site investigation of HD use were conducted in 23 hospitals. Among them, one hospital without previous information on HD use was selected for a pilot investigation; 22 hospitals were selected based on previous documents and exposure statements from parliamentary investigation and exposure assessment regarding HD. Descriptive statistics were used to present distribution and characteristics of HD purchase and HD use in hospitals. Also, details on interviews from the on-site investigation were described. Results: Among the 23 hospitals, a total of ten were confirmed to have purchased and used an HD (nine hospitals) or HD-like product (one hospital). For the purchased HD products, four hospitals reported ‘Aekyung Gaseupgi Mate’, two hospitals reported ‘Oxy Ssakssak New Gaseupgi Dangbun’, and one hospital reported ‘Homeplus Gaseupgi Chungjungje’ (one hospital used three kinds of HD products). One hospital reported an HD-like product and four hospitals were ‘Unknown’. For the number of HD products purchased, five hospitals reported ’100 or less’, two hospitals reported ‘More than 100’, and three hospitals were ‘Unknown’. For each of the ten hospitals, we described detailed characteristics of HD purchase and its exposure status obtained through on-site investigation, including the purchase volume (i.e., number of products), exposure space (i.e., patient’s room, staff space), and exposure period. Additionally, a comparison of on-site investigation and parliamentary investigation or exposure assessment regarding HD was reported. Conclusion: This study introduced detailed cases of HD purchase and HD use in hospitals based on an on-site investigation, and our findings revealed a possibility of a considerable volume of HD exposure in various multi-use facilities, including hospitals.

I. 서 론

II. 연구 방법

III. 연구 결과

IV. 고 찰

V. 결 론

감사의 글

