최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

제1차 세계대전 시기 대만총독 인사와 육군 내 데라우치 마사타케(寺内正毅)의 위상

The Appointment of the Governor-General of Taiwan during the First World War and the Status of the Terauchi Masatake in the Army

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2020.8.52.91
  • 202

This paper examines the conflicts over the appointment of the Governor-General of Taiwan during the Okuma Cabinet when the First World War was taking place: the first between the army and the navy; then the next among the army between Terauchi Masatake who supported Andō Sadayoshi and Oka Ichinosuke who supported Ōtani Kikuzō. The decisions behind the appointment of the Governor-General of Taiwan can be divided into two stages. The initial stage was from late July of 1914, when the appointment of Sakuma Samata s successor was first considered, to the end of November, when nominations of the navy were revoked. The second stage, distinguished by Terauchi s spectacular attacks against Oka, started from the exclusion of naval intervention lasted until the end of April 1915, when Andō was decided to be the Governor-General of Taiwan. Indeed, the main concern of the Japanese government and the army during the First World War would have been the The Twenty-One Demands and the issue of building additional two divisions rather than the appointment of the Governor-General of Taiwan. Nevertheless, it was important for Terauchi, who made his way from Army Minister to the Governor-General of Chōsen, to position his protégé at the apex of colonial administration to prepare for his upcoming ministry. The series of unexpected turns illustrated that Terauchi exerted considerable influence not only on the army but also on politics during this period. The status of Terauchi, needless to say, grew unrivaled by the fact that the two of the most prominent figures of the Chōshū clique, Kodama and Katsura, had already passed away.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 대만총독 후임문제의 부상과 육군의 조기 검토

Ⅲ. 대만총독 후임인사를 둘러싼 육해군의 공방

Ⅳ. 대만총독 후임인사의 극적인 반전과 데라우치의 역할

Ⅴ. 맺음말
