최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고려 우왕 원(1375) 나흥유의 일본 사행과 미즈시마의 변(水島の変)

The Murder of Syouni Huyusuke at Mizshima of Kumamoto and Na Hungyu s Dispatch to Japan in the Year of 1375

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2020.8.52.31
  • 163

The incident of Mizushima is when the Kyusyutandai(九州探題) Imagawa Ryosyun(今川了俊) killed Syouni Huyusuke the shyugo(守護) of Chikuzen(筑前) in Mizushima, Sichijyomachi Kikuchi City, Kumamoto in August 26th, 1375. This following study is about the relation between the military and diplomatic tension which deprived from the Waegu(=Japanese pirates)’s invasion and the accident of Mizushima. The most important problem of the Muromachi Bakuhu of Japan in this time. Handling Waegu was the MUromachi Bakuhu’s one of the most important tasks. And that involved the danger that if Bakuhu wouldn’t dissolve the problems of Waegu, Seiseihu(征西府), the armed forces of Nancho(南朝, southern Court) of Kyushu area, could be drawn in foreign influence. It was the time when Na Hungyu(羅興儒) had come to Japan as a diplomatic mission in the year of 1375. In response, Ryosyun was trying to seize power of Tsushima Island, the base of Waegu. The first thing Ryosyun did was to kill Huyusuke, the shugo(=military command) of the island, to cut his influence. And Ryosyun had to change the political structure of that island. Seizing power of So’s family. He made the leader of So clan as the Shugo. Consequently Ryoshun succeeded to control the Waegu’s invasion to the Korean peninsular and the Mainland China.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 미즈시마의 변에 관한 선행연구의 검토

Ⅲ. 나흥유의 방일(訪日) 시점과 미즈시마의 변 발생 직전의 료??의 입장

Ⅳ. 미즈시마의 변과 료??의 대마도 장악

Ⅵ. 결론
