최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

天武朝의 修史와 『古事記』·『日本書紀』

Study on the Compilation of History in Tenno Tenmu s Court ; the Path to Kojiki(古事記) and Nihonshoki(日本書紀)

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2020.8.52.5
  • 412

In this paper I have discussed the relations betweem the article of Emperor Tenmu s historiography in Nihonshoki(日本書紀) and preface of Kojiki(古事記). The command of Emperor Tenmu, which appears in the preface of Kojiki, consists of the part that ordered “Senroku Teiki(撰録帝紀)” and the part that ordered Hiedano Are to recite. I mentioned that the command of Emperor Tenmu in the preface of Kojiki is the same as the article in Nihonshoki. It is understood that the parts of recition by Hiedano Are Consisted of the Teiki and Kyuji(帝紀・旧辞), which transmitted from Emperor Tenmu. Emperor Genmei ordered Hiedano Are to complete it as Kojiki. However, the total work of recording the Teiki and Kyuji ordered by Emperor Tenmu remained unfinished due to the death of Emperor Tenmu, and also had many difficulties and limitations in the process of pursuing the work. As a result, I think that the completion of this “Senroku Teiki” means the compilation of the Nihonshoki.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 『고사기』 서문과 天武天皇

Ⅲ. 天武天皇紀 10년조의 검토

Ⅳ. 맺음말
